April 2, 2014 at 2:14 pm in reply to:
Withdraw Option 17845 |
Sabbir Ahmed
| Hi Ghufran,
Thanks for your question.
Simply edit form here dokan/includes/theme-functions.php line 297
function dokan_generate_sync_table() { ...... }
and dokan/includes/order-functions.php line 231
function dokan_sync_insert_order( $order_id ) {.........}
Please hire an expert developer, if you can’t.
Please be aware on next update. You may lose your customize code.
Thank You
April 1, 2014 at 11:36 am in reply to:
HTML Tags and Attributes 17759 |
Sabbir Ahmed
| Hi Zachary,
You could solve this by adding the following code in dokan->functions.php file
add_filter( 'comment_form_defaults','dokna_remove_comment_hints' );
function dokna_remove_comment_hints( $defaults ) {
$defaults['comment_notes_after'] = '';
return $defaults;
Thank you