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September 29, 2014 at 1:41 pm in reply to: Plugin slows down server 27707
Daniel Daniel

As an update, I could not justify keeping this plugin on the site, as it was obstructing going live. I have uninstalled it, instead opting for hard coded forms, by following a tutorial.
I won’t have the ability to change the forms via wp-admin, but speed and usability has increased.

I would like to use this plugin, and I hope you keep on updating it.

I think a lot of the problem is that unnecessary code and scripts are being loaded in the front-end on every single page. If you locked down the loading to only pages with forms on them, either by checking for an existing ID, or a specific page-template, it might help to keep the speed up. – oh and make the google maps a feature to turn off – it adds on tons of code.

All my best wishes for you.

August 11, 2014 at 2:56 pm in reply to: Plugin slows down server 24917
Daniel Daniel

Well, no, you cannot disable ALL the scripts from the settings (most notably the google maps API calls).

Unfortunately, I have had to move away from using this plugin. When I uninstalled it and deleted the plugin files I managed to cut down the server waiting time (time to render on the server). It came down from around 3-6 seconds to around 800 ms – 1.5 seconds.

It is too bad, but hopefully in the future I can start using the plugin again.

July 10, 2014 at 4:20 pm in reply to: Loading of scripts 23291
Daniel Daniel

I agree with this – google maps scripts are loaded on every page.
I see no point in this, as it should only be loaded if required. Right now it slows down my page with several seconds.

Why are they not loaded inside the if-statement that controls the plugin scripts?

July 7, 2014 at 5:21 pm in reply to: WPUF Form and Custom Fields in Post Edit 23115
Daniel Daniel

OK, after a bit of experimentation, I found the function add_meta_boxes() in /admin/posting.php. (row 51-57)

  function add_meta_boxes() {
 /*       $post_types = get_post_types( array('public' => true) );

        foreach ($post_types as $post_type) {
            add_meta_box( 'wpuf-custom-fields', __( 'WPUF Custom Fields', 'wpuf' ), array($this, 'render_form'), $post_type, 'normal', 'high' );

Commenting out the contents of this function helped remove the generated metabox WPUF Custom Fields from backend, and the conflict was resolved.

Still, would be nice to have this as an option in the settings though.

July 7, 2014 at 4:00 pm in reply to: WPUF Form and Custom Fields in Post Edit 23110
Daniel Daniel

I would like to lift this question again.
I have a WordPress Multisite, with a custom theme where I also add custom post types with their own custom meta boxes (added via the meta-box plugin).
However, a bug I noticed was that content added via the front-end ran into some problems when edited via the backend. I had The ‘WPUF Custom Fields’ turned off in the screen options, but the problem seem to lie in the duplication of my custom fields ID attributes. They are added twice – once by my functions.php and then again by the WPUF Custom fields.

On content created via backend, I of course do not have these issues.

Is there anywhere in the plugin where I can turn off the creation of the backend meta-box ‘WPUF Custom Fields’? And can’t this be an option in the WPUF settings in the next version? I think this could be valuable for us who have other plugins or who code our custom post types and meta boxes by hand.

I run WPUF Pro 2.1.10

Greatful for any reply, and keep up the good work with this very solid plugin.

February 21, 2014 at 2:40 pm in reply to: Error: Illegal string offset 15709
Daniel Daniel

I have the same issue on my multisite network. Will cool my boots regarding this then. 🙂

February 11, 2014 at 2:17 pm in reply to: Dropdown to set parent page 15309
Daniel Daniel

Thank you Tareq, yeah, I guess that is always an option. 🙂 And it is a lot more elegant. Will give it a whirl.

February 10, 2014 at 8:58 pm in reply to: Dropdown to set parent page 15279
Daniel Daniel

OK, now I feel silly. After a lot of researching and googling, I got a hint that the problem was the way I tried to save the data using update_post_meta()

That function works only on custom meta-fields.

However, it was a lot easier to update using a query through the$wpdb->query


if ( isset( $_POST[‘post_parent’] ) ) {
global $wpdb;
$parentint = (int) $_POST[‘post_parent’];

UPDATE $wpdb->posts
SET post_parent = %d
$parentint, $post_id

So yeah, this subject can be closed. Hope this helps some one else trying to do the same.

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