Integration with Directory Theme?

This topic contains 18 reply and 4 voices, and was last updated by elenanik 10 years, 10 months ago
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December 2, 2013 at 4:40 pm 13129
elenanik Hi I have worked with installing plugins but wondered if there is a way to integrate this with the Directory Theme? The url to the site is I would like to be able to create the item with the category and location as per the theme, but don't mind using the plugin's payment system. At the moment, the front end plug only picks up the normal blog post categories but not the other fields needed by the Directory Theme to create their listing (item) Any help would be appreciated
December 2, 2013 at 4:59 pm 13130
Mahi Mahi

Its very much possible with our PRO plugin ( ). few customers already using wpuf-pro with that theme.

December 2, 2013 at 6:05 pm 13132
scarey123 scarey123

Ok, is it pretty straight forward? I dont want to pay for it then also end up paying for a developer to get it working.

And, is the personal edition ok for this?


December 3, 2013 at 10:44 pm 13221
scarey123 scarey123

Hi.. I have bought the pro version and installed it. Are you able to give me any guidance to how it will create items in the Directory theme – or direct me to someone who can?

Thanks Clare

December 4, 2013 at 8:30 am 13258
Mahi Mahi

Hello Clare,

Please take a moment with Documentation here, how wouf-pro works.

Then, with your theme you have a use a small trick, cause your theme overwrite meta_keys.

Follow this:

Let us know how it goes.

December 5, 2013 at 9:03 pm 13369
scarey123 scarey123


Thanks Mahi, that worked 🙂 And it wasn’t too tricky.

The problem I’m having though is that when someone registers, they get an
email from wordpress directing them to the login, which logs them into the
backend of the website, not the front end form I have created for them to
create their post. How do I change this?

Also, I don’t see the fields to edit the successful registration message
after someone has successfully registered. If I tell it go to go the page
the form is on straight after they have registered, it just says that they
must register or log in to view it. But they have just registered. I
understand they may need to log in first, but how do they log into the
system without going to the wp backend?

Also, where do I find my license key to put into my settings?

Thanks for all your help – you’re a star!

Clare Bradbury

+44 (0) 7730 659 487
+44 (0) 2030 869 032

December 5, 2013 at 9:27 pm 13372
scarey123 scarey123

Sorry Mahi!!

Ignore my messages for now.. I put the php into the wrong functions file,
so it hadn’t actually pulled in the metas.

I’ll give it a go again later on and let you know how it goes.


Clare Bradbury

+44 (0) 7730 659 487
+44 (0) 2030 869 032

December 6, 2013 at 12:50 am 13379
scarey123 scarey123

Hi Mahi

I think I spoke too soon.

It works, apart from the Map. It does find the correct location on the map,
but it doesn’t make the item (post) appear on the map in the main theme.

I think I’m way in above my head here 🙁 I notice that the GPS coordinates
aren’t displayed on the front end of the item either – maybe that is why?

Thanks so much – I really hope you can help because my client is screaming
at me!


Clare Bradbury

+44 (0) 7730 659 487
+44 (0) 2030 869 032

December 6, 2013 at 10:31 pm 13425
scarey123 scarey123

Mahi – Help!!!

After I put the code into the right file (wpuf-functions.php), the page
just comes up blank when I try to load any web page on the site – even the
login page!

What have I done?? Do you know how I can get it back? I’ve tried taking the
code out of the file by FTP but it has made no difference.. :-((((

Please help? I will of course donate to your cause.


Clare Bradbury

+44 (0) 7730 659 487
+44 (0) 2030 869 032

December 7, 2013 at 12:25 am 13430
Tareq Hasan Tareq Hasan

May be you should download the plugin again and replace the currently installed in your site. Atleast your site will be back online. You might done something wrong in copy/pasting the code and it’s giving you error.

December 7, 2013 at 5:03 pm 13461
scarey123 scarey123


Yes, I deleted the plugin through the ftp and its working again now.

When I reinstall it, I will still get the problem I mentioned earlier with
the system sending a WP login in the email which will log them into the
backend of WP. How do I get it so that after they register, they login and
go to the front end form I created to list the post?

Thanks for your help

Clare Bradbury

+44 (0) 7730 659 487
+44 (0) 2030 869 032

December 7, 2013 at 8:27 pm 13466
elenanik elenanik

Hi! I am using the same theme Directory 🙂
About the map, I created a field Google Map and Meta Key “location” and works perfect!

December 9, 2013 at 3:23 pm 13536
scarey123 scarey123

Hi. Thanks for all your help.

I have reinstalled the plugin and it is working much better. I just have a few little things left over before I can use it publically.

1) When people get the registration email, it gives them a link to login to the back end. Is there a way to change this? I haven’t seen a wpuf front end login area for this at all which has also been a problem as when I divert people to the page where they add their listing, it says they have to register or login to do this but can’t see how they can login!

2) I entered the meta areas in for the address and opening hours etc and all works. Only problem is it duplicates it now so adds it into the original directory theme item, but the wpuf plugin has also created the custom fields and both appear on the front end. See

3) It has added in the google maps function which works, but it doesn’t link it to the already existing map system in the directory theme which is what creates the map icon and populates the cities with the icons on the map. I seem to have to manually go in the backend as admin and click ‘find address’ to get it to work on the directory theme’s map.

Any help would be appreciated… I’m nearly there with it!

December 9, 2013 at 3:25 pm 13537
scarey123 scarey123

Oh one more little thing, on the post form, where they add body text/description to the listing, is there a way to have a wysiwyg rather than just html so that people can add bold etc like they normally would in wordpress?


December 9, 2013 at 4:55 pm 13539
elenanik elenanik

Hi! see my answers below

1. I am using Paid Memberhips Pro plugin to create my packages and user levels, so I have a user registration form that the user adds his password there to avoid e-mail confirmation. This plugin keep a history of transactions, user profile edit page, account page so I don’t use the directory mechanism at all. I change a little bit the code of login widget in the directory theme and works perfect for me in a combination with the Theme My Login plugin. So everything done on the front end.
If you want I can send you the code.

Check my login here :αρχική/
on the righs sidebar is the login area of the Directory that I have change the code 🙂
Asks the user if has an account to login here else below sais that if you don’t have an account select your package. Is in Greek now but I hope to understand.

2. To avoid the dublication, in WPUF settings–>general options there is an option Custom Fields in post, uncheck Show custom fields on post content area and it’s done!

3. I used WPUF Shortcodes to show the meta on front end like this:
Map: <?php echo do_shortcode('[wpuf-meta name="location" type="map" height="380" width="300" zoom="14"]'); ?> and I don’t use the neon file of directory at all. Everything done with this super wow perfect plugin 🙂

See my example of single item page here :

December 9, 2013 at 8:06 pm 13544
scarey123 scarey123


Thanks for this – I’ll follow each one and see if I can get it to work.

Yes please, if you could send me the code for the login widget and just let me know where to find it that would be great 🙂

I have been using the payment facility with this plugin to create my packages and user levels. Do you know if I can carry on using it or would it be easier to change to paid memberships pro? I just can’t see any way to add a login area using this plugin but it would be easier to stay with them if I can.


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