Draft Status Won't Change
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April 2, 2014 at 8:29 pm 17868 | |
Hello! I'm really liking this theme but I have a few more questions as I am getting everything situated. 1. On the backend of Dokan I have the New Product Status set to publish so I don't have to approve every product. This works fine with any of the simple products. When I try to create a product with a variation it automatically converts the file to a draft. When you try to change it from either the backend or front end dashboard to online it still automatically converts it back to a draft. Any idea what could be wrong here? 2. Is there a place where vendors can specify their shop taxes? Or is that done in the backend somewhere? 3. Do you have a recommended size for the sliders or logo on your homepage? I am creating some and I wanted to make sure the aspect ration was correct. Right now the images I upload are either too large or too small. 4. Is there a way for a shop owner to designate a storewide sale for their shop from their front dashboard? 5. Is there a way to add a search bar in each vendor's shop so a customer could potentially go to their favorite shop and search for an item by that vendor? I appreciate you taking the time to answers my problems as they arise. :) Rachelle :) | |
April 3, 2014 at 10:30 pm 17976 | |
I think I have figured out the sales tax issue. I am in the process of consulting with wootax and taxcloud to see if I set their services up with the multi vendor platform. If you have another method that might be easier to accomplish this please let me know. I haven’t been able to figure out my other questions though so any assistance you could provide would be greatly appreciated! : ) EDIT: I retract my previous statement about having the tax issue figured out. Wootax just contacted me and said they don’t support multi vendor sites. I am not sure how to set up sales tax so that each shop can set and collect their own in their shop. I would love any guidance. 🙂 | |
April 4, 2014 at 6:53 pm 18021 | |
Hello rcwillia 2. At this moment vendors can’t specify shop taxes. Dokan is using woocommerce core tax system. I don’t have experience about wootax extension. 3. Please see our demo slider images, i think you will get idea. http://demo.wedevs.com/dokan/ 4. No it’s not possible at this moment. 5. Currently this feature is unavailable. We will add it to our to do list. Thank you.. | |
April 4, 2014 at 7:25 pm 18023 | |
Thank you for responding. I did finally figure out the variable product issue. I wasn’t clicking the “Link All Variations” button. After I did that and filled out the forms and updated it the problem was resolved. Now, though, is lists the SKU # on the product page underneath the price and drop down variation box. Is there anyway to keep the SKU # from appearing on the product page with variations? It didn’t appear their on the simple products. Thanks so much! | |
November 21, 2014 at 11:55 am 30902 | |
Att #2: Please see: http://wedevs.com/support/topic/product-tax/#post-30898 |