WP Project Manager PRO Changelog

A- A+

= v2.6.1 – September 15, 2023 =

**Fix:** Recurring tasks modules shouldn't accept empty buffer.
**Fix:** Woo project task management capabilities for subscribers user.
**Fix:** Duplicate projects kanban board task import feature not working as expected.

= v2.6.0 – July 15, 2022 =

**Update:** Compatibility with PHP-8.x
**Update:** Added Localization/Translation support for all report and Invoice PDF.
**Update:** Updated domPdf library to mPdf supports from PHP5.6 to 8.x.
**Fix:** Fixed Invoice and reports are not exporting as PDF.
**Fix:** Milestone task download error if project and milestone not selected.

= v2.5.13 – March 28, 2022 =

**Update:** Site Logo and Name in Task Invoice PDF
**Fix:** Woo Project module not adding role permissions accordingly
**Fix:** Creating default Inbox while create Woo Project
**Fix:** Some Design issue in Invoice View More option button

= v2.5.12 – Nov 11, 2021 =

Update : ChartJS libraries from v2.x to v3.6.0

Fix : Data escaping and sanitization issues all over the plugin

= v2.5.11 – Oct 11, 2021 =

Fix : Sanitization and data validation issues
Fix : Timezone issues in My Calendar
Fix : Confirmation text was not working while deleting Kanban board
Fix : Recurring task undefined issue

= v2.5.10 – July 16, 2021 =

*Update* Info tooltip to remind that Estimation time is mandatory to get sub-task list 
*Fix* Co-worker was unable to add custom time log 
*Fix* After deleting one time log, new time log can not be created instantly 
*Fix* Redirect to task detail page while searching tasks 
*Fix* Some multisite support functionality 
*Fix* Gantt chart routes naming for different server support

= v2.5.9 – July 16, 2021 =

**Fix** Time tracker is not working real time.

= v2.5.8 – Jan 26, 2021 =

* **New** Added: Estimation hours for Completed task & subtask.
* **Fix** PDF report download issue has been solved.
* **Fix** Task labels were automatically being assigned when a new task has been created.
* **Fix** Confirmation message not showing when deleting an attachment.
* **Fix** Set confirmation message when deleting a subtask.
* **Fix** Completed task were not showing in the task completed task section.
* **Fix** Subtask type were not showing after creating or updating the subtask.
* **Fix** Removing a user from subtask was not working properly.
* **Fix** Subtask field automatically being updated without pressing submit button.

= v2.5.7 – Dec 15, 2020 =

* **Fix** Modules are not being activated automatically after installing/updating the plugin.

= v2.5.6 – Dec 10, 2020 =

* **Update** Redesign subtask form.
* **Update** New column has been added to show the 'Task Title' list in the my-task reports.
* **Update** Tasks with zero estimation hour excluded from the summary report.
* **Update** Report graphs made responsive now.
* **Update** Estimation hour is now showing with completed subtask.
* **Update** PSR-4 standard.
* **Update** Updated task report query with task completed date.
* **Update** Task reports are now sorting by task completed date. It was with the subtask previously.
* **Fix** Subtask type was not showing properly- that has been fixed.
* **Fix** Task label could not be updated from project settings.
* **Fix** The task was not appearing after creating a new task label.

= v2.5.5 – Nov 21, 2020 =

* **Fix** Daily digest email notification.

= v2.5.4 – Nov 11, 2020 =

* **New** Reports in my task.
* **Fix** After upload file need to refresh for others activity.
* **Fix** Product search is not working while setting a Woo project.
* **Fix** User can not log their time from single task.
* **Fix** Recurring task schedule is not working.
* **Fix** Task filter from kanban board, progress bar continue loading.
* **Fix** Estimation hour is showing always zero when editing sub-task.
* **Update** Set file mime type icon.
* **Update** Archive task lists are showing when subtask move to the task.

= v2.5.3 – Oct 08, 2020 =

* **New** Add new permission for individual user.
* **Update** Remove 'Project manager capability' from settings.
* **Update** Remove 'Project create capability' from settings.
* **Update** Task recurrence has been changed completely.
* **Fix** User was landed on Kanban board by default and can not move to task list.
* **Fix** When user go to archive it does not show in archive list that has been archived before.
* **Fix** Pusher notification is not working for private task.
* **Fix** ERP department's users were not assigned the project automatically.
* **Fix** Co-worker can not change the subtask as a task. Even the co-worker is the creator of that task.
* **Fix** In kanban board user was not able to import single task.

= v2.5.2 – Sep 10, 2020 =

**Fix** After moving subtask, task estimation time does not updated in real time.
**Fix** After updating task user subtask user was not updated in real time during subtask create time.
**Fix** Summary reports estimation time were not same in total and individual time.
**Fix** Subtask type dropdown was not appearing during subtask update time.
**Fix** Calendar search data was not remaining after reloading the page.
**Fix** Calendar permission issue as user are suppose to check private task.
**Fix** Calendar dropdown project showing all projects even though user is not assign to project.
**Fix** In Calendar all tasks were showing even tasks were not assign to user for the first time navigate to calendar.
**Fix** Remove Date occurrence field from recurring task form.

= v2.5.1 – Aug 16, 2020 =

* **Update** Reposts overdue, completed, user activities, task by milestone and unassigned task.
* **Fix** In task, assigned user was missing (in subtask) unless user refresh the page.
* **Update** Assigned user was not able to access private task.
* **Fix** Task needs to be private if task list is private.
* **Fix** Fixing report file download links.
* **Update** Only incomplete task need to visible on calender.

= v2.5.0 – Jul 17, 2020 =

* **Update** Navigate to the calendar menu but showing no task for all projects and users.
* **Update** Is now working for all permalink.
* **Update** license update notification for co-worker
* **Update** Task time tracker, privacy, estimation, label, and recurring UI/UX are updated for a single task.
* **Fix** Invoice pdf download from the front-end page is not working
* **Fix** Invoice payment is asking for a minimum amount when there is no minimum amount set.
* **Fix** Daily digest mail is not delivered every day.
* **Fix** Logo is not updating from settings.

= v2.4.3 – Apr 30, 2020 =

 **New** Filter for kanban default board, 'pm_kanban_default_boards'.
* **Update** While duplicating task custom field and subtask are not duplicated.
* **Update** Filter url and special character from slack description.
* **Fix** Task level disappears upon clicking on the  single task popup close button.
* **Fix** On project setting (Capabilities) text showing on inline right column.
* **Fix** HTML tags are showing in slack description.
* **Fix** After duplicate task date can not be editable.
* **Fix** After duplicating project discussion files are not duplicated.
* **Fix** Project gets duplicated but file , folder, document and document links are not duplicated.
* **Fix** Newly duplicated project is not updating.

=v2.4.2 – March 12,2020=

+* **Fix** Fixing Multiside completable issues.
+* **Update** Update query for fetching users to make Multi-site compatible.

= v2.4.1 – Feb 27, 2020 =

* *Fix* Importing task by kanban board task popup modal, showing error when the selected task-list has no task
* *Fix* Subtask feature was not showing in task pop modal from frontend view.

= v2.4.0 – Feb 10, 2020 =

* **New** Importing bulk task in kanban board.
* **New** Converting subtask as a task.
* **New** Moving a file from one directory to another directory.
* **New** Distraction free appearance in frontend.
* **New** Custom field in single task popup.
* **Fix** Make Private option was not showing in the single task popup.
* **Fix** An extra label 'copy' was showing in the task list after project duplication.
* **Fix** All projects were showing in BuddyPress group.
* **Fix** BuddyPress user banned but was showing in project.
* **Fix** Preventing task duplication from kanban board.
* **Fix** Could not update directory name.

= v2.3.4 – Sep 09, 2019 =

* **New** Moved task privacy field from settings to task table.
* **New** Moved discuss, task-lists, milestone privacy field from settings to boards table.
* **Update** Added date query parameter for reports.
* **Fix** Showing user nickname instead of display name in project reports.
* **Fix** Single task popup was not opening from individual task-list page.

= v2.3.3 – Jul 15, 2019 =

* **New** Advanced search for kanbanboard.
* **New** Graphical reports for 'project vs user' and 'user vs project'.
* **Update** Calendar query according date.
* **Fix** Task list permission.
* **Fix** Showing wrong date format in report page.

= v2.3.2 – Jun 28, 2019 =

* [New] Graph for task estimation time, from time tracker summery reports.
* [New] Plugin will automatically deactivate when the license expires.
* [Update] Change integration settings UI.
* [Update] The user is automatically added in the parent task from subtask.
* [Update] Task user can not be removed if the user already exists in subtask.
* [Fix] Task author can not delete his/her task.
* [Fix] Archive tasks are showing in the project calendar.
* [Fix] The private checkbox is not working for client.
* [Fix] The task is not included in any kanban-board column but showing warning message 'task is includen in other column'.
* [Fix User is not selectable from report filter form.
* [Fix] Invoice is not showing from the front-end.
* [Fix] Remove delete icon from kanban board if the user has no deleting permission.
* [Fix] The time tracker does not stop even if the task is archived.

= v2.3.1 – Jun 14, 2019 =

* **New** Added estimation field for task and subtask.
* **New** Summary reports for task and subtask according to estimation time.
* **Fix** Single task popup does not showing from my task.
* **Fix** User can not delete their time log.
* **Fix** Dailydigest cron events does not working
* **Update** Initially Disable search result for task list, message, milestone from project search.
* **Update** MyTask Query optimization.
* **Fix** Discussion privacy is not working.
* **Fix** User total work hour of time tracker is showing wrong value in Single task.
* **Fix** Export advance report CSV file.
* **Fix** Task is not opening from calendar.

= v2.3.0 – May 18, 2019 =

* **New** Progress menu.
* **Fix** Calendar user view does not showing.
* **Fix** Added custom tracker validations.
* **Fix** File can not be saved issue.
* **Fix** Run new timer when previous task timer has been stopped from the notification.
* **Fix** Fixed gantt chart task to task link issue.
* **Fix** Fixed subtask user duplication.
* **Fix** Set warning with current running task and force to stop it if user wants.
* **Fix** Added custom time field for custom time tracker.
* **Fix** Open single task modal when click on a task from My Task section.
* **Fix** Added task label at my task task list.
* **Fix** Remove task delete icon from kanboard for unauthorised person.
* **Fix** Fixed Task label is not showing from kanban board & gantt chart (edited).
* **Fix** Added custom time tracker validation.
* **Fix** Fixed The task is not made private.

= v2.2.0 – April 11, 2019 =

* **New** Fullscreen kanbanboard.
* **New** Kanbanboard task automation.
* **New** Kanbanboard customize background header color.
* **New** Github integration.
* **New** Bitbucket integration.
* **New** Added github and bitbucket webhook settings for individual project.
* **New** Added github and bitbucket user mapping settings for individual project.
* **Update** Project user can be assigned to subtask.
* **Update** File and directory are arranged by ascending order.
* **Fix** Added permission to move kanbanboard column and including task.
* **Fix** Task is not showing at my task calendar.
* **Fix** Getting advanced report by task status filtering.

= v2.1.1 – March 05, 2019 =

* **Fix** Project manager front-end is not working.

= v2.1.0 – March 04, 2019 =

* **New** Task label or taging system is added at new task crate time.
* **New** Task label or taging system is added in single task page.
* **New** Task label or taging system is added in duplicate task-list.
* **New** Task Label or taging settings for individual project.
* **Fix** Task is not saving from calendar.
* **Fix** Task can not be created from calendar day view.

= v2.0.13 February 15, 2019 =

* **New** Calendar user view.
* **New** Calendar user search option.
* **New** Task create for calendar day cell.
* **Update** Calendar query.

= v2.0.12 February 05, 2019 =

* **New** Report page design.
* **New** Set user avatar at user search time.
* **Fix** Task privacy is not working at new task create time.
* **Fix** Daily digest email not sending.
* **Fix** Single task does not close from my task.
* **Fix** Optimize task fetch query.

= v2.0.11 December 19, 2018 =

* **Fix** Calender translation issue.
* **Fix** Sort out archive list from reports
* **Fix** Time tracker custom time added by another user in same time.
* **Fix** Show only tasks previous and next day and incomplete projects in daily digest.
* **Update** Project Settings page redesign.

= v2.0.10 November 29, 2018 =

* **New** Recurrent task module.
* **Fix** Daily digest email not sending.
* **Fix** Paypal full paid status change problem.
* **Fix** Invoice terms and notes.
* **Fix** Report issues in user task report.
* **Fix** Focus kanbanboard task assign field.
* **Fix** ERP department unset.

= v2.0.9 November 08, 2018 =

* **New** Archive Task list page redesign.
* **New** Project search redesign.
* **New** Module task recurrnce.
* **Fix** Single task close in calender remove all task
* **Fix** Files not open in my-task.

= v2.0.8 Oct 02, 2018 =

* **New** Automatically install the free version instead of manual installation.
* **New** Project manager user change according with ERP department.
* **New** Task List Duplicate
* **New** Task List archive page
* **Fix** Front-end url problem for slack.
* **Fix** Invoice is now editable from front-end.
* **Fix** Tasks is not loading in kanbanboard at project switching time.
* **Update** Optimize reports query

= v2.0.7 Aug 21, 2018 =

* **Fix** Invoice email configuration

= v2.0.6 Aug 19, 2018 =

* **Fix** Project manager reports query optimize.

= v2.0.5 Aug 17, 2018 =

* **New** Success message on subtask CRUD.
* **New** Show message when search result is not found.
* **New** Show task tracked time in reports view.
* **Fix** Show projects having permission in search by client.
* **Fix** Prevent kanboard sorting if no permission.
* **Fix** "Private" option check/uncheck issue when editing a file/link
* **Fix** Calendar URL for backend and frontend.
* **Fix** Show invoice on the frontend projects area.
* **Fix** Update gantt view when updating task.
* **Fix** Count file regerding privacy.
* **Update** Internet explorer es6 error.

= v2.0.4 Jul 31, 2018 =

* **Update** Transfer DELETE and PUT methods into POST method.
* **Update** Optimize calendar query.
* **Fix** Translation for front-end.
* **Fix** Duplicate privacy meta when duplicate project.
* **Fix** Woo-project delete component reactively.

= v2.0.3 Jul 23, 2018 =

* **New** Slack integrations with WP Project manager.
* **New** WP Project manager is now compitable with WPERP.
* **Fix** JS make compitable with IE>8.
* **Fix** Task drag, drop and resize.
* **Fix** Multiselect problem for WOO-Project module.
* **Fix** Markdone subtask and show its title and completed date.
* **Update** Create new report section user tasks.

= 2.0.2 Jul 6, 2018 =

* **New** Invoice Stripe payment gateway module release
* **Fix** Single task does not close from my task
* **Fix** Woo-project multiselect can't select

= 2.0.1 Jun 29, 2018 =

* **Fix** Fix error plugin install time

= 2.0 – Jun 28, 2018 =

* **BREAKING**: This **v2.0** release is a major version and introduces breaking changes by re-writing the whole plugin. Please test the plugin before updating from v1.x. Taking a **database backup** is adviced.
* **New:** REST API added. Now you can access everything of project manager via the API. Creating of mobile apps would be much easier.
* **New:** Moved from custom post type to custom database tables, which performs a lot faster.
* **New:** We have re-written the Project Management UI, powered by [Vue.js](https://vuejs.org/). This introduces a SPA (Single Page Application) with blazing fast page loading and a snappier user experience.
* **Bug Fixes:** We have also squashed a lot pesky bugs under the hood.

= 1.6.7 – January 10, 2018 =

* [fix] fatal error issues on activation
* [fix] edge upload in crate doc
* [fix] file upload issues in edge
* [fix] and error in file upload
* [fix] project duplicate date and assigned issues
* [fix] Task re-order on duplicate

= 1.6.6 – November 28, 2017 =

* [new] Integrate cpm-erp bondale module.
* [new] Set localize script for files.
* [new] Added cpm-pro text domain for the pro version.
* [new] Create front-end pages on plugin activation.
* [update] Update full-calendar JS dependency.
* [update] Task title color changed on calendar.
* [update] Update user fetching query.
* [fix] Fixed the Daily Digest email notification.
* [fix] Mytask calendar translation issues fixed.
* [fix] Front-end URL redirect to admin issue fixed.
* [fix] Calendar resize start and end date fixed.
* [fix] Fixed folder creating nonce issues.
* [fix] Dependent scripts added enqueued on file's frontend.
* [fix] End date auto increment in full calendar fixed.
* [fix] My calendar date problem fixed.
* [fix] Doc creation problem fixed.
* [fix] Trix editor problem fixed.
* [fix] Warning on message showing fixed.
* [fix] update user individual profile settings for daily digest email notification.
* [fix] Time does not showing in the completed tasks CSV report.
* [fix] Prevent script load for all page.
* [fix] Fixed advance report generating error.

= 1.6.5 – July 6, 2017 =

* [new] Pro module separation.
* [update] Co-worker can not show the list corner menu.
* [fix] If ToDo list "views private" disable from setting option then co-worker can be accessed ToDo list Task from the calendar.
* [fix] Double ToDo Shown in the calendar when date range was too long. example: Start date and end date (Fri - mon)
* [fix] Double "New To-Do" button shown and also cpm-new-todolist-form has shown when clicked "New To-Do" List button.
* [fix] Though "ToDo list" view private enable and "ToDo" view private disable So In Private ToDo list Task Not showing in the calendar.
* [fix] When "cpm-todo-prgress-bar" completed and the incomplete task was counting double and also shown double in "cpm-completed-tasks", "cpm-incomplete-tasks".
* [fix] Calendar todo-list and tasks permission.

= 1.6.4 – June 22, 2017 =

* [new] Task list view or kanban board view on the right corner in to-do list section.
* [new] Permission applied on subtask create button.
* [new] Permission propagation from task to subtask and vice versa
* [update] Permission applied on task completion.
* [update] Task completion on my task.
* [update] Notify co-workers on task completion.
* [update] Task update action hook.
* [update] Report print button style updated.
* [update] Overview section on my task.
* [update] Style sheets updated.
* [fix] Wrong color for a task that has only start date on calendar.
* [fix] Wrong color for a task that has only start date on my calendar.
* [fix] Deadline disapper when moving a task on calendar.
* [fix] PHP warning on project overview.
* [fix] PHP warning on my task overview.

= 1.6.3 – June 07, 2017 =

* [new] Drag and drop sortability added to the task
* [update] Task color scheme.
* [update] Activity graph color scheme in my task section.
* [update] Single task redirection in my task.
* [update] Project selection in calender.
* [update] Task color scheme in calender.
* [update] Task redirection in calender.
* [update] Project duplication.
* [update] Project overview section.
* [update] Print reports.
* [fix] Export to CSV is not working in report section.
* [fix] Print report is not working in the report section.
* [fix] When printing a report, only first page is being printed.
* [fix] Unable to comment in a task when it is redirected from current task in my task.
* [fix] Unable to comment in a task when it is redirected from outstanding task in mytask.
* [fix] Unable to comment in a task when it is redirected from competed task in my task.
* [fix] User selection is not working in my task.
* [fix] Date section is not working in activity graph in my task.
* [fix] Red color is showing for current task in my task.
* [fix] Overview section in my task is not working.
* [fix] Activity section in my task is not working.
* [fix] Current task section in my task is not working.
* [fix] Outstanding task section in my task is not working.
* [fix] Completed task section in my task is not working.
* [fix] Completed task is not shown in the calendar.
* [fix] Unable to commment in a task when it is redirected from the calender.
* [fix] Tasks are showing according to the date.
* [fix] File attachment is not working when commenting in the file section of a project.
* [fix] Unable to delete a comment in the file section of a project.
* [fix] Project overview graph is not working.
* [fix] Not all users of a project is being duplicated when duplicating a project.
* [fix] Notification is sent to the co-workers when a project is created.
* [fix] Commenting in a discussion board is not working.
* [fix] Editing a comment in a discussion board is not working.
* [fix] Deleting a comment in a discussion board is not working.
* [fix] Javascript shows error when commenting, editing comments and deleting comments in discussion board.

= 1.6.2 – April 27, 2017 =

* [new] Email template for mentioning users in a comment. [pro]
* [new] Moment js dependency added.
* [new] Compatibility for mentioning users in a comment.
* [update] Include filter for register project post type.
* [update] Include filter for register project taxonomy.
* [update] Change pagination position from left to right.
* [update] Pagination has been shown up and down of to-do lists content.
* [update] Single task url.
* [update] To-do lists progress bar.
* [update] Unnecessary parameters removed form wp_enqueue_script in cpm.
* [update] Array declaration according to lower version of php.
* [fix] Can’t use function return value in write context.
* [fix] Syntax error, unexpected '['
* [fix] Filtering for to-do lists private view.
* [fix] Filtering problem for the visibility of to-do lists create button.
* [fix] List style problem in tiny-MCE comment box while commenting on discussion board.
* [fix] WP nonce problem in project discussion.

= 1.6.1 – April 11, 2017 =

* [fix] Load JS files only in todo list page
* [fix] Fix typo in todo list privacy checking capability
* [fix] Shortcode rendering in comments
* [fix] Remove users from notification panel outside of the project members
* [fix] Removed PHP array shorthand declaration
* [fix] Single task URL problem in My Task

= 1.6 – April 08, 2017 =

* [new] Use js library Vue
* [new] Design layout changed for To-do Lists.
* [new] Real time update every action for To-do lists.
* [new] Two way data binding for to-do list edit
* [new] Two way data binding for task edit
* [new] Task lazy loading.
* [new] Vue routing for single To-do list
* [new] Real time pagination.
* [new] Completed and incomplete label added for corresponding tasks in single to-list.
* [update] Discussion editor changed from tricks to tinymce.
* [update] Real time change of progress bar.
* [update] Assign user to task options changed from choosen to Vue multiselect.
* [update] User avatar(gravatar) link changed form 404 to mm
* [fix] Remove comments link from overview.
* [fix] All functionalities for to-do list.

= 1.5.1 – September 19, 2016 =

* [new] Send Email Notification when a comment updates. 
* [new] Add filter for how many letter to show when image name is long in files tab. 
* [fix] Fixed conflict with buddypress. 
* [fix] Fixed Project creation capability and update language files. 
* [fix] Made Report print friendly. 
* [fix] Files tab loading improvement. 
* [fix] Show all comments in newly uploaded file view. 
* [fix] Client view private discussion.

= 1.5 – August 20, 2016 =

* [new] Report section new design (pro).
* [new] New Report item added (pro).
* [new] Files tab new design and add new feature in pro version (pro).
* [new] Add option for create document and connect to other online Docs (pro).
* [new] Add option to upload files / attachment direct to a project (pro).
* [fix] Duplicate mail send on project create.
* [fix] Change cpm_get_option function.

= 1.4.3 – May 30, 2016 =

* [fix] Milestone input date and project redirect issue after create.
* [fix] Sorting completed milestone
* [fix] Image broken in emails
* [fix] File upload on first discussion problem fix.
* [fix] Task Done/Undone tick problem fix.
* [fix] New user create on project create or update problem fix.
* [fix] Department or personal projects show in ERP integration.

= 1.4.2 – April 6, 2016 =

* [fix] Project permission problem in free version

= 1.4.1 – March 28, 2016 =

* [new] Task list sticky option added as a replacement for sorting
* [new] Proper mime type icon set
* [new] Initial ERP integration added
* [fix] Front-end URL issue

= 1.4 – March 13, 2016 =

* [new] UI Re-designed
* [new] Tasks now have a description field
* [tweak] As now we have description in tasks, previous tasks were updated.
* [tweak] Project post_type changed from project to cpm_project
* [tweak] Task post_type changed from task to cpm_task
* [tweak] Task List post_type changed from task_list to cpm_task_list
* [tweak] Milestone post_type changed from milestone to cpm_milestone
* [tweak] Message post_type changed from message to cpm_message
* [tweak] project_category taxonomy changed from project_category to cpm_project_category

= 1.3.6 – October 15, 2015 =

* [fix][pro] Add category for front-end
* [fix] Email notification subject issue fixed

= 1.3.5 – September 29, 2015 =

* [fix] User role and items table weren't being created during install

= 1.3.4 – September 19, 2015 =

* [fix] Pagination error fix in free version
* [fix] Project manage/create cap option brought back to free
* [fix] Version upgrader issue fixed

= 1.3.3 – September 15, 2015 =

 * [fix] Single project permission issue

= 1.3.2 – September 14, 2015 =

* [fix] Project Duplication error
* [fix] New task assigned email subject was missing

= 1.3 – September 3, 2015 =

* [improved] Free/Pro separation. Massive code change
* [improved] Email notification templates updated. Removed the settings from admin.

= 1.2.2 – June 9, 2015 =

* [fix] Fatal error on frontend

= 1.2.1 – June 7, 2015 =

* [fix] Project report datepicker wasn't showing
* [fix] URL management for admin/frontend
* [improved] Plugin updater

= 1.2 – June 4, 2015 =

* [new] Project Reporting
* [new] Progress accross all the projects
* [new] JSON REST API integration added

= 1.1 – April 19, 2015 =

* [new] Daily digest feature added
* [improved] Plugin upgrade routine updated

=1.0 – March 1, 2015 =

* [fix] Project delete time shoud be deleted all child post
* [fix] Active Tabs not working for To-do Lists & Settings
* [fix] Comment link problem for Subtask
* [improved] Duplicate project - To-do lists order lost
* [new] assign a task to more than one user
* [new] Search feature
* [new] Filter projects by clients
* [new] Pagination in project home page
* [fix] Files Tab Doesn't show any attachement to Client
* [fix] Long Project Title Problem
* [new] witch for disabling certain E-mail notification
* [fix] Project manager date format is fixed
* [fix] E-mail URL Problem
* [new] Email Notification ON/OFF feature
* [fix] Link in message body not working
* [new] Rich text editor

= 0.5.4 – January 25, 2015 =

* [fix] Project delete time should be deleted all child post
* [fix] Active Tabs not working for To-do Lists & Settings
* [fix] Comment link problem for Subtask
* [improved] Duplicate project - To-do lists order lost
* [new] assign a task to more than one user
* [new] Search feature
* [new] Filter projects by clients
* [new] Pagination in project home page
* [fix] Files Tab Doesn't show any attachment to Client
* [fix] Long Project Title Problem
* [new] witch for disabling certain E-mail notification
* [fix] Project manager date format is fixed
* [fix] E-mail URL Problem
* [new] Email Notification ON/OFF feature
* [fix] Link in message body not working
* [new] Rich text editor

= 0.5.3 – April 19, 2014 =

[fix] 1 day decrease due to gmt_offset when updating todo

Added checking on single message/todo/milestone for unauthorized access


BCC on/off settings for notification


Scrolling project people when more peoples are added on listing

= 0.5.2 – Mar 25, 2014 =

[fix] privacy bug in milestone

project_category removed from project filter


milestone duplicate assignment


milestone lock icon


addons menu removed for other users

= 0.5.1 =

default from email field added
separate calender and my task script function
avatar bug fix
stopwatch function removed
task trigger position changed
remove font family
number of projects bug fix in listing

= 0.5 =

Pro version released

= 0.4.3 =

new: Spanish translation
new: German translation
new: Indonesian translation
fix: milestone datepicker issue
fix: some typo fixes
improved: comment count next to tasklists


bug fix: project activity/comments on frontend widget
bug fix: project activity/comments on comment rss
bug fix: number of milestones
improved: plugin textdomain loading
new: project task progressbar on project listing
new: tasklist sorting
new: task sorting
new: Dutch translation language added
new: Brazilian Portuguese language added


bug fix: attachment association problem on comment update
bug fix: error on message update


improved: default email format changed to 'text/plain' from 'text/html'
improved: toggle added on user notification selection
improved: only date was showing on single message details, time added
improved: some filters added on URLs
bug fix: actual file url hidden on files tab for privacy
bug fix: any user could edit any users message
bug fix: any user could delete any users message
new: admin settings page added
new: email template added
new: French translation added
new: file upload size settings added


comment update bug fix
project activity is now grouped by date
"load more" button added on project activity
some function documentation added.


Translation capability added
Attachment security added. All files are now served via a proxy script for security with permission checking.


Comments display error fix


Remove comments from listing publicly
Post types are hidden from search


Initial version released